Beat Phone / BeatMaker – A loop sequencer for the iPad, iPhone / iPod Touch

Soundtrack Loops House Elements  Beatmaker Beatpack Kit

Soundtrack Loops House Elements Beatmaker Beatpack Kit

Want some free loops to add to your Beat Sequencer!!! then go to and sign up for the free newsletter to obtain your BeatPack made specially for BeatMaker  or purchase the many loop packs available  from $8.00 USD to $35.00 USD

Buy this file:


(originally posted 11/20/07)

Beat Phone
For those people who have an iPhone / iPod touch and it’s jail broken you should download BeatPhone version 0.2.6 .

(caution i upgraded from version 0.2.4 and it took almost an hour to download to my iPhone you have to keep touching your screen for it to fully download if screen goes into saver mode, you have to re-download it all over again. Do it right the first time – patience is necessary and worth it)

BeatPhone is by a programmer named Mateo From Barcelon, Spain. A great little app with a lot of potential for use outside of just playing it for yourself.

With BeatPhone you can use pre-existing loop kits or you can add your own.
Adding your own Acidized . wav files is fairly easy since you already have broken your iPhone /iPod Touch, ( I haven’t tried adding Apple looped .aiff files as of yet). All you have to do is create a folder on your mac or PC . Then add your .wav samples and sftp them to your iPhone folder “/var/root/Media/BeatPhone”, .
Relaunch BeatPhone, navigate through the kits until your find yours.

This Program is simple and easy to use. I personally would love for it to be more of a controller, so when you play out live you can use your iPhone or iPod Touch and just jam with it. I would also think that .aiff file would be able to be loaded since it is an apple product the software is on. The Sequencer grid could use some work, it doesn’t seem to match up perfectly when playing a mixed beat loop and tends to sound gritty.

This app needs work but I can’t complain for something that is cool and free it’s well worth it.

5 Responses

  1. this is a reaallly cool app.shouts out to spain , mateo and all the bulls from the annual run.

  2. I have recently played with the program on my friends Iphone….lots of good features but I can still see room for lots of easy improvements very simple things will make make this a desirable program I believe……one day when I get an Iphone I hope to see all that it can perform ..thx

  3. I am getting “can’t locate sample” error when I start application – I have copied the samples to var/mobile/BeatPhone too (some of the staff on 1.1.4 should b there instead of var/root/media) anyway I have those samples in both /var/moible/media and var/root/media but it still can’t locate those – I’m a DJ and I think I will use it as a looper for turntables if you help me start it somehow –

    please send any suggestions to

    thank you

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