Latin Kits for Meta.DJ and Looptastic Pro by

Video tutorial on how to add our latest release Latin Kits to Meta.DJ or Looptastic Pro Apps for the iPhone and iPad

One Response

  1. Hi. This is a bit off topic but I don’t know how else to contact you. I need some help with apple loops and Garageband. I wrote a TON of music in Garageband 1.0 using free sampler jam packs that Apple gave to .mac customers, this was so long ago. I backed up all my work but did NOT back up the loops! I’ve wanted to render the files into WAVs but now get missing loop errors and tons of just empty tracks! I did a ton of cutting, slicing and moving around. So I have a two part question, since you seem to be an expert.

    1. How can I find these sampler jam packs? They were free so they should be available somewhere, on someone’s hard drive, someplace? If I can find them, all would be perfect!
    2. How can I load the songs in Logic or Garageband and then do in-place replacement with other loops without it changing the size of the loop in the songs? For example, if a loop takes up 30 seconds, and I tell it to use ANOTHER loop, I want it to automatically use up the same 30 seconds and not force me to redo all the work.

    3. alternatively – is there a way to figure out the names of all the missing loops and then search for them online somewhere?!?!? 😦 Is the garageban song format well understood?

    Any help is greatly appreciated oh anonymous appleloops blogger! 🙂

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