Jazzy Chillout Online Drum Machine

This Months SL Online Drum Machine Jazzy Chillout. Try it in any browser, on your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad. Use it with any Android device. Show all your friends! Make sure to like and retweet!

You can purchase this entire loop library just by choosing what format you want it in right here!

[wpsc_products product_id=’2527′]


Welcome to the Listening Lounge, where all our demos are to be found. Sit back in your chair, couch or anywhere you find leisure with headphones or speakers. Click anywhere you like to begin your journey into the most amazing discovery of sounds we have for you to enjoy. Ponder and dream of the creations you could be making with the loop samples. All available at your finger tips.

Makin’ Music Home made Synths at The N.A.M.M Show 2012

We ran across some awesome homemade synths on the basement level of the N.A.M.M Show. MakenMusic were the creators of the one in the video posted below. We’d love to get our hands on some of these to create some great new loops and samples.

Free Buddha Machine for the iPad

We had to post this for our good friend and producer Dj Montra. All things Zen in his Den but nothing would be complete tranquility with out a sleek device and the Buddha Machine App. Montra’s home office meditation is now complete. Go get the free iPad App (for the next five days, I’ve heard) . Click the image to begin your enlightenment and take you to the iTunes store directly.

Latin Kits for Meta.DJ and Looptastic Pro by SoundtrackLoops.com

Video tutorial on how to add our latest release Latin Kits to Meta.DJ or Looptastic Pro Apps for the iPhone and iPad

Only $3.99 USD
Purchase Latin Kits for Looptastic or Meta.DJ here


We Now have a Google+ Page,, Add us to your Circles!

We are happy to announce that we created a google+ page for users whom prefer google over facebook. add us to your circle for updates on new releases, Audio applications and video loops.

How to import loops into Looptastic

How To Import Loops Into Looptastic Pro.

Looptastic Pro HD is one of the top selling Apps on iTunes. Not only does Looptastic include over 1000 individual loops (courtesy of our good friend and producer, DJ Puzzle), It can import single loops or up to 10 at a time via WiFi. Looptastic Pro’s ease of use makes this application for the iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch a Dj’s best friend. In this tutorial I will show you how to import our loops correctly to get the most enjoyment out of this versatile App.

Lets Get Started!

Things you will need: Looptastic Pro, an iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch with Looptastic installed, PC or MAC computer, Wifi connection and some loops.

Load up Looptastic Pro by pressing your app button.

You will now see the Looptastic Pro splash screen.

Look to the upper right corner and find the button that says “MORE.” Click to go to the WiFi Transfer screen.

Now click the WiFi Transfer button to go to the next screen.

As you see in the above picture, Looptastic Pro tells you to open your browser and type in the IP address listed in the lower right hand corner. Once you type this into your browser’s url, you will see the Looptastic Pro transfer browser screen.

Now you see you can import a set or add a set. You will need to click “Add Set” to import your loop files from your hard drive on your computer.

Before moving further I want to add some tips to create a great Looptastic Pro Set right away.

1.) Choose just one key signature per loop set. For this tutorial I am going to choose the key signature of A. (Currently Looptastic Pro does not have the ability to change the Key of the file so you can not mix and match key signatures until that is implemented.)

2.) Choose like minded instruments and sounds.

Okay, let’s move forward now that you have these tips.

You should now see your import screen as shown below. First name your Looptastic Set. Now click the browse button and choose an instrument (we choose a Synth in the key signature of A to give us a base from our loop library Cinematic Synths)
After choosing my base I then typed in what the instrument was . I simply named it Synth. Then I chose from the drop down menu Synth Pad and left the Auto drop down menu alone. (Note: with Soundtrackloops.com Looptastic loops you do not have to adjust the beat measures).

Now continue on by browsing to different files such as kicks, basses, mixed beats, percussion and so on. Name your files and select an instrument.

Once you have completed inserting all your loops from your hard drive and filled in all the fields. You now will want to click transfer at the bottom of the browser page.

Your iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch should still be on with the Looptastic Pro transfer screen open. If so, you will now see your iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch transferring files as shown below.

You now have finished adding your first set. Yay!!! Now go back to the home screen on your Looptastic Pro App and click the new loop set you just imported to begin playing.

Congratulations, you’re now a Looptastic iPro


How To Change BPM & Key In Soundtrack Pro 3.

Producers keep mentioning that they are having a hard time adjusting to the new interface of Soundtrack Pro 3 by Apple.
It used to be so easy to change the Tempo (BPM) and the Key. There was a nice dock interface very similar to Garageband that clearly showed your Key signatures and what Tempo your project was. If you wanted to change it, you would just click on them to adjust.
With the latest release of Soundtrack Pro 3 there are two ways of adjusting your Tempo and Key signatures.
One of the ways is to go into the preference panel under ‘ File ‘ in the top menu links and adjust your project. ( This would make your settings a default every time you wanted to start a new project, it would always be in the same Key and same Tempo). No good (at least not for us).
We at Soundtrackloops.com like to hear what our loops sound like in all the different Keys after Acidized and Apple Looping them to assure the best quality and to make sure you, the end user, are receiving properly formatted loop files from us. We also like the ability to adjust our Key and Tempo when creating a demo, song, or soundtrack to a iMovie or YouTube video, and also hear the results instantaneously.
So we set out to make a tutorial as easy and a painless as possible with images so you can understand quickly and get to making your next score at what ever Tempo and Key you want it to be at. Read the contents below to find out how you can do this on your own
Step one – Open Soundtrack Pro 3.
soundtrack pro main screen

Step two – Locate your Window drop down in your tool bar at the very top.
soundtrack pro window drop down menu

Step three – Scroll down to your Tabs menu.
soundtrack pro windows menu & tab bar

Step four – Move your cursor to the right so the Tabs menu opens up and you see Project Properties, highlight and click to enable.
soundtrack pro windows, Tab and Project properties window

Step five – Your Project Properties should now be in plain sight.
soundtrack pro Project Properties, Key and Tempo

Step six – Now that you can see your project properties. You will first see your projects title, description, artist, copyright, genre and other information which you can edit. Now use the scroll bar to scroll to the bottom to find your current projects Tempo and Key signature it is in. ( I found default was the Key signature of G and Tempo at 120)
soundtrack pro projects menu

Step seven – Now adjust your Tempo to what ever BMP (beats per minute) you would like.
soundtrack pro project menu BPM and tempo adjustment

Step eight – You will now want to highlight your Key signature to adjust what Key you will want you song to sound like. ( a menu should show once clicked)
soundtrack pro project menu Key adjustment

Step nine – One thing we like is the ability to put your projects menu where it is easily accessible. All you need to do is grab the Project Tab and drag to any of your viewing layout panes.
soundtrack pro projects pane dragged and dropped to any position in your layout

We like ours by our loop browser (as shown below)
soundtrack pro loop browser

There you have it. Easy as a bass beat pie.. feel free to comment or share any of your tutorials and or tips


How To Install Loops Into Garageband.

I felt this really necessary to do. It’s one of the most asked questions so I figured I would just make a quick tutorial on how to install Loops into Garageband.

First locate the little Eye Icon as shown below to open your Garageband loop browser.

How To Install Loops Into Garageband

Now Click the Eye Icon so it turns Blue as shown below

How To Install Loops Into Garageband

You should now see your loop browser

GarageBand Loop Browser

GarageBand opened

Now Navigate to your Folder that contains your new loops and grab that folder

GarageBand Installation Of Loops

Loop Folder

Drop it into your Loop Browser (Yep the entire folder right in there)

GarageBand Loop Browser

Now right above your instrument Buttons there is a little bar and it normally starts out by saying Garageband and has 2 small little black arrows one facing up and one facing down. Click that to open up a window as shown below

index window


Now Click your all Drums button to view drums

all Drums

And to view other instruments just hit your reset button

All instruments

Now that you got your loops in GarageBand Just drag your file from the loop browser to the window above.

Adding a loop To garageband

Other tips. When you cant find installed loops in Garageband it’s most likely is because your BPM is locked to reflect the BPM of that project. It is a default setting in Garageband. To turn this off so you can see every loop go into Garageband preferences, Choose loops, then un-check the box that say’s Filter for more relevant results. Now look in your loop browser in Garageband and make sure your LCD (the blues display in Garageband) display is on measures, now check your loop browser. You should now see every loop no matter what BPM’s they are or key they are in. Let us know that his helped.