NAMM – Day 2

Rock school  App
The NAMM Show 2013 Day 2. Arriving slightly after 1 pm, our first stop was the basement floor. We came up to a both of some amazing hyper realistic art of ZZ Top, Rolling Stones and an amazing portrait of Mick Jagger with some sepia tones. Our eyes then turned to Misti Butler VP of sales for Atlas Apps based out of Denver Colorado. Their featured app is called Rock School and it teaches you the basic of music theory in a very intuitive way. We were very glad to meet Misti and see this App and though how great this is for any one who wants to learn the taught basics of music theory. you can find more at

Chromatik - Sheet music collaboration app
Next stop is Chromatik. Chromatik is a sheet music collaboration app tool (think of Evernote, but for sheet music.) It allows you to make notes and adjustments while your other musician collaborator will automatically have the changes synced to their app to update or keep the changes.

guitar max app
KeynoteStar was our third stop and met two very nice guys who created a guitar app called Guitar Max which is free to download. They built this app mainly for the iPad and allows you to comfortably strum and create chords at a perfect hand position. The other really cool feature was the ability to ready your finger input for the chords . As long as your fingers were in the proper form for that chord you will be able to play it even if you did not touch the correct strings.